Allen Michael

Amplified steel-string guitar soloist

Thoughts on Today

Yesterday, revolution was in the backs of our minds and the tips of our tongues. We are lucky it did not go beyond the tips of our rifles, because today shows us how unprepared we are for radical change. But, whether by blood or illness, radical change is prepared for us.

We are at the beginning of a soft revolution, less gruesome, less swift, but just as transformative. A reset of our collectively broken values. Blame is obsolete. How will you restart? There is a price to pay for this opportunity. A price equal to everything we stand to gain and everything we could lose.

Which part of yourself will you surrender to the winds of change? I would wish to surrender my whole being to the change and become repurposed for a higher purpose less foreseeable even than this could have been. They say necessity is the mother of invention, but, today, we are being reinvented out of necessity.

© Allen Michael Music 2024